
John Hoffmire:信仰的力量啓發了不同國家、宗教及種族的志工

The power of belief inspiring volunteers across different countries, religions and races信仰的力量啓發了不同國家、宗教及種族的志工
John Hoffmire

There are common tenets held by people across all countries, religions and races. Our commonalities are greater than our differences. Some of the commonalities of religions are that they all have sacred places, leaders, a sense of the hereafter, special texts, and oneness with something greater than ourselves. The concept of oneness leads many within each faith, country and race to volunteer to help our fellow beings.
How we work together and the ways in which we cooperate are key. Stories will be told of individuals from six corners of the world who cooperated within their own towns or to serve broader communities. Particular anecdotes will be shared from the UK, Germany, India, Kenya, Taiwan, and Guatemala. The core principles that inspired these volunteers were a willingness to: make sacrifices of time and resources, cooperate with one another, serve those less fortunate, understand the forces of economics on everyday families’ lives, and accept the differences that do exist between us.