




A human being lives in a family from childhood. No matter of economic and material necessity or mental and physical care, the relationship is very close between individual and family. Therefore, the assessment of poverty is according to each family such as high income family and medium or low income family by our government. Former agricultural society, farmers changed their labors which made closely dependent relationship among them. The tradition of co-labor and share the gaining in the tribes especially were the proudness of the aboriginal society. Anyhow, the structural conversion was seriously occurred on account of the coming of the society of the industry and commerce. The family was isolated and even divided because of the work pressure. The youth leave hometown to seek the job and form the family far from hometown and the aged people as well as the children stay at hometown which made the aged village and the problem of grandparent raising.

Master Cheng Yen has been bringing the Tzuchi volunteers in the remote counties to care for the poor and needy families since several decades and has been well understanding of this social phenomenon. Therefore, Tzuchi gave the impetus of the community volunteers in order to carry out the care of whole community which enlightening and leading the capable residents to care the needy and build a community of goodness. The family of disadvantaged minority will be accompanied and supported by the big family of whole community. They will get more support and accompany. During the care for the aboriginal tribes, Tzu-chi discovered the harm of the abuse of alcohol. The abuse of alcohol cause the violence in a family and the traffic accident making a family broken. Especially, the abuse of alcohol make the aboriginal residents losing the health and jobs which make the aboriginal society become economic weak minority. In this connection, Tzuchi give an impetus of “drink the tea instead of alcohol” all over the aboriginal tribes in Hwalien by the attitude of sincerity that transcend the obstacle of religion. This activity originally became a campaign very soon in the society of Hwalien and arouse the people from the harm of alcohol. Tzuchi also give the impetus of a serial of the health promotion such as “The safe living surrounding for the aged”, “happy meal together for the aged”, “happy aged class” etc.. Meanwhile, Tzuchi has been giving the impetus of the activities of basketball teams and music groups for the youth and bring them to care for the sufferings and aged people every two months in order to cultivate the youth of the tribes with the responsibility and mission to their clan. Especially, this participation build up the right outlook and direction of their life. Tzuchi also enhance the folks of the tribe with the traditional arts for their livelihood. All the above mentioned projects are based on empowering of the people of the tribes in order to build a community of goodness.

Though the family is the basic unit of the society, to build and empower the community with mutual assistance and love that is the way to lead the society without poverty and to build an everlasting development society of health.