
一、不殺生 二、不偷盜 三、不邪淫 四、不妄語 五、不飲酒 六、不抽菸、不吸毒、不嚼檳榔 七、不賭博、不投機取巧 八、孝順父母、調和聲色 九、遵守交通規則 十、不參與政治活動、示威遊行 1.Do not kill 2.Do not steal 3.Do not fornicate 4.Do not lie 5.Do not drink alcohol 6.Do not smoke, use drugs, or chew betel nuts 7.Do not gamble or speculate 8.Respect your parents and be moderate in speech and attitude 9.Follow the traffic regulations 10.Do not participate in politics or demonstrations 慈濟十戒