
阿鏜簡介 本名黃輔棠,1948年生於廣東番禺。早年在廣州接受專業音樂教育。後赴美取 得小提琴演奏碩士。在演奏、作曲、教學、文章、指揮五個方便,都當了一輩 子學生,也做了一點事。 屆齡退休之際,整理出作品全集,作為對自己於社會之交待。 在Youtube等網站,打「阿鏜」或「Fu Tong Wong」, 可搜尋到不少其作品與指 揮影片。 About the Composer Fu-Tong Wong (Ah-Tong), M ,born in Guangdong 1948. Graduated at the Kent State University, School of Music in the U.S.A Mr. Wong is a violin educator, composer, and music theorist. He had taught in The National Institute of Art in Taiwan, as well as being the concertmaster of TheUnited Experimental Orchestra in 1983. Recently, he is professor of Tainan University of Technology, Department of Music. Mr.Wong composed and published many albums of vocal works and orchestra works, both in CD and music. His new works include “Symphony the Hero With a Great Eagle” , a four acts opera “Xi-shi” , and the “Wong’s Violin Teaching System, Volumes 1-12” 序-7