
慈濟法脈宗門與慈善的開展 Tzu Chi's Philosophy and its Development in Charity Mission



真情伴星月 佛教慈濟與伊斯蘭在土耳其的相遇與相融過程 The Real Sentiments in Turkey The Buddhist Foundation Tzu Chi and Islamism in Turkey – Encounter and Compatibility



Inter Religious Cooperation 國際宗教的合作

烏蜜 瓦黑達



慈濟法脈宗門與慈善的開展 Tzu Chi's Philosophy and its Development in Charity Mission


2009 年慈濟四十三周年慶,慈濟正式成立「慈濟宗」。證嚴法師在成立「慈濟宗」時強調,靜思法脈為佛教,是智慧;慈濟宗門為眾生,是大愛。慈濟宗門的修行方式就是在人群中,以智慧應眾生的需要,又不因外境的紛擾起無明,心靈能常保清淨無染。所以慈濟宗強調內修清淨心,去除個人無明煩惱與習氣,是做人處世的根基;外行菩薩道,則是走入人群,拔苦予樂,是人間淨土的良方。

慈濟五十年來從啟發社會的善心,集合眾人的善念,共同走入長街陋巷做貧窮個案的關懷,一起投入天災急難的救助;臺灣社會成為一個以愛以善為寶的淨土。慈濟人醫會的人醫菩薩闡釋慈濟宗如何凝聚了許多醫事人員的愛心,爬山越嶺, 乘風破浪去幫助一些缺乏醫療照顧的人;花東地區偏鄉原鄉的專案關懷,來闡釋人間菩薩如何深入社會暗角,去找出族群貧窮的根源,完整地規劃扶貧脫困的方案,耐心細心地陪伴與推動。


當發生重大災害時,慈濟人間菩薩,如何不顧自己家中也遭災,卻捲起袖子, 從第一時刻投入救災,走入泥堆中,深入廢墟裡,陪伴災民走到最後,沒有人說苦,沒有人說累,只為了災民能早日恢復正常的生活。這一切正說明慈濟法脈的智慧,讓他們走入災區,日以繼夜拔苦予樂而不覺辛苦;也說明著宗門的大愛讓他們走入苦難人群,以吃苦為吃補,補的是慈悲心的長養,成為一股源源不竭的動力。



The 43 anniversary of Tzu Chi Foundation in 2009, Tzu Chi Philosophy, a doctrine of Buddhism, was officially established. Master Cheng Yen emphasized then that the dharma of Jing Si is devotion to Buddhism, which is wisdom. The Tzu Chi Philosophy is devotion to the human being, which is great love. The method of practice of this philosophy is to go among people who are suffering and offer them the wisdom of keeping a purified mind, without the ignorance caused by the surrounding chaos. Therefore, this philosophy emphasizes cultivation of the inner pure mind and giving up ignorance as the foundation of conducting oneself.


Do as a bodhisattva and go among those who are suffering people to ease their pain and give them joy; this is the medicine to purify the world. Tzu Chi inspires the benevolence of society and the goodness of people to help the poor in the slums and give aid to the needy after a disaster occurs. Taiwan enjoys the fame of an island of great love and benevolence. The medical members of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) explain how goodness inspires them to go deep into the mountains and to remote islands to help people who lack medicine care. These projects provide care to the Aboriginal people and others who live in remote areas of Hualien and Taitung. They demonstrate the depth of the care for disadvantaged groups; Tzu Chi people carefully study and research what is the root cause of the community diseases and the poverty of the Aboriginals.


真情伴星月 佛教慈濟與伊斯蘭在土耳其的相遇與相融過程 The Real Sentiments in Turkey The Buddhist Foundation Tzu Chi and Islamism in Turkey – Encounter and Compatibility


當世界充斥著戰爭,滿布煙硝味,而聯合國亦宣布今年(2016 年)世界上難民人數已達到六千五百萬人,比2015 年多了五百萬人,是二次大戰後的歷史新高; 面對那些曾經擁有美好生活,但今天卻一無所有的難民們,我們能做些什麼?

1999 8 17 日,土耳其發生世紀強震,45 秒內造成一萬六千人往生,六十萬人無家可歸。遠在臺灣的慈濟在地震後的第三天就派遣了四人小組到達土耳其,四個月內幫助土耳其蓋了300 戶的大愛屋,並致贈200 頂的帳篷。因為尊重穆斯林,慈濟宗教處謝景貴主任問我若帳篷上的慈濟logo 有「佛教」兩個字,住在裡面的災民會不會心裡有絲毫的不舒服?於是我們連夜趕工做出新的logo ── 臺灣慈濟基金會,為了尊重、體恤災民,設身處地為災民著想,體現出真正的人道精神。

1999 年的11 月,第一次見到證嚴上人,我問上人:「幾個月的接觸,感覺慈濟是一個非常好的團體,但慈濟是發源於佛教的團體,而土耳其是一個信仰伊斯蘭教的國家,如何能夠把慈濟精神帶到土耳其呢? 」



宗教是『大同小異』,什麼是『大同小異』?宗教是『人生的宗旨,生活的教育』,過往的觀念佛教徒是吃齋念佛念經,上人解釋什麼是『經』?經是道,道是路,路是給人走的,慈濟人實現行經,並融合尊重不同的宗教信仰,在世界各地只要有災難的地方就看得到藍天白雲,走在最前做到最後。 」

2012 年敘利亞難民開始逃亡到土耳其,至今有將近300 萬敘利亞難民滯留在土耳其;2014 年慈濟人在伊斯坦堡的蘇丹加濟市深入難民家庭訪問,針對不同的需要給予協助,發放物資及購物卡及現金,發放前尊重穆斯林以唸誦《古蘭經》開始,受到感動的災民將剛領到的購物卡投入竹筒中,回捐給慈濟去幫助更需要的人,並說就算將來他的生活改善不在受助名單中,但也希望每一次都能來協助發放活動,體會這心靈的饗宴。


2015 1 月慈濟滿納海中小學一校成立,短短一年內,在土耳其政府協助下開立二校、三校,學生數目增加到2400 人,學生每天上課前在操場背一段聖訓才進教室,課餘時間背誦《古蘭經》比賽,在滿納海讀書的孩子們,並沒有因為慈濟的幫助成為佛教徒,反而成為更虔誠的穆斯林,他們沒有忘記慈濟人的愛,他們心中愛的種子早己發芽,2016 年南臺灣發生地震時,臺東發生風災時,他們主動捐款表達他們對臺灣的感恩與關懷。



While wars are out breaking in several countries, the United Nations revealed that in year 2016 the number of refugees in the world has reached 65 million people which is five million people more than that in 2015 and is the historical high number after the World War II. Facing those refugees who once had a good life but have lost everything today, what can we do for them?

On August 17, 1999, a record strong earthquake hit Turkey which resulted in 16,000 deaths and 600,000 people homeless within 45 seconds. Taiwan Tzu Chi Foundation which is far away from Turkey sent a four-member team on the third day after the earthquake to Turkey to provide assistance. 300 Da-Ai (means Great Love in Chinese) houses and 200 large tents were built within four months. Taking the religious belief of the victims into consideration, Hsieh Ching-kui the Director of Department of Religion Affairs of Tzu Chi - cross checked with me whether the victims living in the shelters will have any discomfort if the Tzu Chi logo has the wording of Buddhist" included as the standard way of printing? Through his thorough consideration, we worked overnight to come up with a new logo Taiwan Tzu Chi Foundation. This is the way Tzu Chi realizes true humanity with respect & compassion for victims by putting ourselves in their shoes.

In November 1999, I first met Master Cheng Yen and asked the Master, I feel Tzu Chi is a very good group after our interactions the past few months; nevertheless, Tzu Chi is a Buddhist organization, while Turkey is an Islamic country. How can we bring the Tzu Chi spirit to Turkey?

The Master replied:

"It can be done without problem by disregarding the gaps caused by people such as skin color, nationality, religion and leaving just one word in our hearts - love.

All religions are actually very much the same. What does it mean? Religion is the philosophy of life and guideline of our daily activities. The common impression in the past is that Buddhists are vegetarian, and that they chant and read the sutras. The Master explained what is 'Sutras'? Sutras point out a path for us, and the path is meant to be walked on. Tzu Chi volunteers put the Dharma teachings into practice and respect different religious beliefs. As long as there is a disaster in any place in the world, one can see Tzu Chi volunteers in their blue shirt and white trousers; they are always the first group to arrive and the last to leave.

From 2012, Syrian refugees began to flee to Turkey. Until now, there are nearly three million Syrian refugees in Turkey. In 2014, Tzu Chi volunteers in Sultangazi city in Istanbul made in-depth visits to the refugee families to provide assistance by distributing supplies as well as shopping cards and cash. Meanwhile, before the distributions, Tzu Chi volunteers would arrange for recitation of the Quran as a respect to Muslims. The victims who were moved by this arrangement put the shopping card which was just received into the bamboo bank to let Tzu Chi help people in more need and mentioned that, even if their situation improve in the future and they are no longer included in the list to be assisted, they still would like to help out at every distribution to experience this spiritual feast.

In January 2015, Tzu Chi Menahel School was established. One year after, in collaboration with the Turkey government, the Second and Third branches were established with a total enrollment of 2,400 students. In each school day, before the classes, the students will gather at the playground to recite one session of scripture and attend the competition of reciting the Quran after the school hour. The children did not convert to Buddhism because of Tzu Chi but have instead become more devout Muslims. Nevertheless, they did not forget the love from Tzu Chi and seeded it in their hearts and germinated. When the earthquake hit southern part of Taiwan and the typhoon devastated Taitung this year, they initiated the donations by themselves to show their gratitude and concern for Taiwan.

This is how Tzu Chi volunteers realize the spirit of great mercy even to strangers and great compassion for all in different countries and different religious environments.


Keyword: Refugee, Syria, Turkey, Islamic, Buddhism, Muslim, Religion, Menahel, Great Love .

烏蜜 瓦黑達

Inter Religious Cooperation 國際宗教的合作


I am Umi Waheeda from AlAshriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School. Bogor. West Java. Indonesia. My belated husband and I started a free and quality education since 1998 from early childhood education until university. Everything is free from education. Food. Lodgings. Health benefits. The students come from all over Indonesia. Orphans. Street children. Poor abandoned children too.

Our relationship with Tzu Chi began in 2003 when they gave us 2000 tons of rice very year for five years. It was love at first sight. It made our task easier and lighter as we don't get any donation from the government or other organization. They also built classes for us as we had to study under the trees because of lack of facilities.

TC also provided Mandarin teachers. The students love it so much. Graduated students now open Mandarin classes all over Indonesia. Their Mandarin skill made them able to teach in many schools and to become translators.

Every 6 months we have doctors. Nurses. Dentists to check the students. Sickly those needing operations were taken care of immediately.

We can never thank TC enough for all the love support and attention. Without TC life would be very difficult especially after my husband passed away. TC will always be in our hearts.

God Blesses.

Thank you so....much.


 Gan en


我是來自位於印尼西爪哇,努魯亞 伊曼習經院的烏蜜 瓦黑達。先夫和我在1998 年起開始興辦從學前至大學的免費且高品質的教育,而且學生們在就讀過程中,每一樣東西都是免費的,包括吃、住及健康照顧等。我們的學生來自印尼各地,其中有孤兒、遊民或因家境貧窮而被拋棄的孩子們等等。

我們與慈濟的因緣起源於2003 年,而且一開始就非常投緣,連續五年的時間, 慈濟每年提供兩百噸的米給習經院,這讓我們更容易經營習經院,並且減輕我們的負擔,因為我們沒有得到政府或其他機構任何的贊助。

慈濟也為我們建蓋校舍, 免得學生因資源匱乏而只能在樹下讀書。慈濟也為我們邀請中文老師。學生們非常喜愛中文課程。我們的畢業生在印尼各地開設中文班。他們在校所學的中文程度讓他們足以在許多學校裡教中文並成為翻譯者。

每六個月,醫生、護理師和牙科醫生們來到我們學校,為學生做健康檢查,並讓生病或需要手術的學生能夠立即得到所需的照顧。再多的言語,也無法表達我們對慈濟萬分之一的愛的支持與關懷。如果不是慈濟,我們將會面臨很大的困難, 尤其是我在我先生過世之後。慈濟將永存於我們心中。


祝福! 無比地感激你們,感恩!

