
Jing Si Aphorisms—The Fundamentals of Virtue . Pillars of World Peace 靜思語—孝為人本 世界和平的守護力量

2014-06-11   | 慈濟基金會




Master Cheng Yen translates the essence of the Buddha’s teachings into simple and easy- to- understand language to exemplify life lessons. Her exquisite words and caring thoughts inspire wisdom and provide direction amidst delusional thinking.

In the world, there are natural disasters caused by the disequilibrium of the Four Elements (earth, water, fire, and air) as well as man-made conflicts caused by uncontrollable human desires. Actually, the disharmony in people's minds is even more dangerous than the disequilibrium of the climate. With their disquieted minds, people disrupt the order of Nature's laws, throwing the entire environment into disarray.

Filial piety is the foundation of human decency. A filial and respectful person is blessed. We should start with ourselves to revive filial piety, which is the original goodness of human nature. Like waves, our actions will ripple out to influence our family members, our community, and then the world. When all of us diligently practice filial piety, cherish ourselves and others, and respect and love Mother Nature, all things can coexist in harmony, the climate will be temperate, and the world will be peaceful and free from disasters.

Dharma Master Cheng Yen expects everyone to influence a classmate, colleague, friend, or relative to become a bodhisattva. She hopes that each person can even resolve to inspire one bodhisattva every day. If everyone can do this, the energy of love will fill all places and the strength to purify human minds will be enhanced. Only then can we gather enough committed people in this troubled world and this era of declining Dharma to promulgate the Dharma, benefit all beings, and promote Buddhism in the human realm. If we do not act immediately, it will soon be too late.


Volume I: The Individual
Filial piety is our proper duty. Taking good care of our bodies and abiding by common courtesy is to cherish ourselves and repay our parents’ grace. Only people who cherish themselves can love others and serve their community. This is showing gratitude through giving. Life is most meaningful when we can repay our parents’ grace by cherishing ourselves and show our gratitude through giving.

Filial Piety: The Basis of Human Decency
Filial piety is the basis of human decency. Just as human beings cannot leave the earth that nurtures all life, neither can children deviate from filial piety. Coming into the World through Our Parents
We have come into existence in this life through our parents, due to karmic affinities established with them in past lives. Therefore, being filial to our parents is our proper duty as sons and daughters.

Courtesy and Propriety Point the Way
Being filial to our parents is common decency. Ethics give direction to our life.
~Quotes from Volume 1       

Chapter 5: Cultivate Morality and Character
A Moment of Discomfort, A Lifetime of Happiness
Our health depends on our own effort. If we live a disorderly lifestyle, we will plant the seeds of disease, as smoking, drinking, and greedy cravings contaminate the body. We should instead bring our daily schedule into proper balance and eliminate unhealthy eating and drinking habits. When we endure a moment of discomfort, we will attain a lifetime of happiness.

The Way to a Healthy Life The best way to live a healthy life is to uphold righteous thoughts and eliminate desires.

Words and Actions in Accord In building our character, we cannot simply talk without acting. Only when our actions are in accord with our words can we influence others.

Raise Our Voice and Lose
When we raise our voice and others remain quiet, it does not mean that we have won. Actually, they just do not wish to respond. Thus, the moment we raise our voice, we have already lost.

Speak Softly, Listen Sincerely
When speaking, speak with a tender heart. When listening, listen with a sincere heart. If both parties remain open-minded, they will gladly accept each other.


書名:Jing Si Aphorisms—The Fundamentals of Virtue . Pillars of World Peace
作者:釋證嚴(Shih Cheng Yen)
翻譯:Tzu Chi USA Translation Team
出版者:靜思人文志業股份有限公司 Jing Si Publications Co., Ltd.
規格:25 開(15 x 21 公分)208頁 平裝
定價:350 元

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