
2008-12-17   | 紐西蘭翻譯志工
石頭與軟玉 The Stone and the Jade

Although the five roots (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and the body) can easily combine with everyday emotions to create bad karma, they can also enhance power, and if used wisely, they can create value in ones life.
A young Buddhist monk cultivated with his Master and frequently asked him the question, “What is the value of life?” One day the Master gave the monk a stone. He told the monk to take the stone to the market and let people bid for it.

某甲出價兩元,某乙看見說可做秤錘,出價十元;翌日比丘再到市集,多人圍觀讚歎石頭很美,當場有人出一千元高價,旁邊的人馬上出更高價錢競爭 …最後,竟然喊到十萬元!
The first person that came along offered $2 and second person offered $10 because he thought the stone can be used as a weight. The next day the monk went back to the market. Many people came to see the stone and praised how beautiful it was. From the crowd, a person offered $1000 for the stone and another offered a higher price to bid for it. By the end of the bidding, someone had offered $100,000 for the stone!

The monk was unsure, so he reported back to his Master. The Master used this chance to enlighten the monk, “Everything has its own value, including the stone, and the value depends on how you use it. The value of ones life does not depend on others judgments but how one appraises oneself. We must have the jeweler’s eyesight, discover the treasures that are within ourselves and create our own value of life.”

多年前,一位居士送一顆方形的蛇紋石來花蓮;因精舍簡陋無處置放,就擱在大殿外的草坪。一位泰國法師來到精舍參訪,看到這塊「軟玉」,讚歎好美!遂以此致贈法師,他十分歡喜,說要帶回泰國雕成一尊玉佛。Many years ago, a scholar gave a square shaped serpentine to Hualien Abode. The Abode was very simple so there was no place to put the stone, therefore it was placed on the grass outside the Abode. When a Master from Thailand came to the Abode to visit, he saw this serpentine and immediately recognized it as a beautiful “jade”. The serpentine was therefore given to the Master as a gift. He was very delighted and said he was going to take it back to Thailand to carve it into a jade Buddha.

The value of life depends on how we create it. If this “jade” was left on the grass, it will always just be a stone. If it is carved into a Buddha statue, people can worship it and the worth of the stone is then amplified.

If senses and consciousness entangle and reluctance blurred our ability to make decisions, it will destroy the most valuable inner quality we have, the Buddha nature. The value of life can be widened and deepened, and depends on whether or not we can take care to be constantly mindful.

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